OK, Here we go..... I think it only fair to start with this photo as this trip to Tokyo, and the inspiration of these two guys with me in the photo, really kicked off my interest in exploring food, photographing said eats, and sharing/explaining my impressions of my experiences. So, to you David Chang and Anthony Bourdain, Cheers, and thanks. As I begin I think it only fair to explain a bit of what my purpose with this blog is. As you know, I do not participate in Facebook, and I wont go into why here, but I NEEDED a vehicle to communicate and connect with those in my life, both near and far. As the name implies, this will primarily be a blog about pizza. However, as this is mine, I will feel free to do and say as I damn well please, as it pleases me. So I hope to not offend or tiptoe too far over the line of appropriateness, but if I do, that's just too fucken bad. Enjoy. Pizza, food, life experiences, thoughts, feelings, rants, and more food. This is what you will find here. Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone you think might have an interest, as I hope you will as well. Sincerely yours, DVA

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Owl Cafe - Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan

Cat Cafe?  That shit is boring.

Owl cafe is where it's at!

Is this really gonna be a thing????

Owls, seriously?  In cages right?  Behind glass, viewing only, right??


The real deal.

Welcome to the Owl Cafe.

Owls with people.  No talon attacks nor pecking out of eyeballs.

Harmony with nature.....

Owl Brothers

Sketchy Owls

Mini owls

Fucken owls are everywhere!!!!!

Sleeping Owls

WTF IS HAPPENING?!?!?!?!?!  Is this really a thing?!?!?

Yeah, it's real.


Please don't bite my face off?!!!!!!

I'm lost for words

Why Owls?  Why not Ferrets?  What about Leopard Cafe, Rhino Cafe, Porcupine Cafe, Cobra Cafe?

What I really want is a Spider Monkey Cafe

Why can't we have a Spider Monkey Cafe!?!?!?!???!!!


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