OK, Here we go..... I think it only fair to start with this photo as this trip to Tokyo, and the inspiration of these two guys with me in the photo, really kicked off my interest in exploring food, photographing said eats, and sharing/explaining my impressions of my experiences. So, to you David Chang and Anthony Bourdain, Cheers, and thanks. As I begin I think it only fair to explain a bit of what my purpose with this blog is. As you know, I do not participate in Facebook, and I wont go into why here, but I NEEDED a vehicle to communicate and connect with those in my life, both near and far. As the name implies, this will primarily be a blog about pizza. However, as this is mine, I will feel free to do and say as I damn well please, as it pleases me. So I hope to not offend or tiptoe too far over the line of appropriateness, but if I do, that's just too fucken bad. Enjoy. Pizza, food, life experiences, thoughts, feelings, rants, and more food. This is what you will find here. Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone you think might have an interest, as I hope you will as well. Sincerely yours, DVA

Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm a Pizza Whore

Mmmmm, maybe slut is a better word.  I don't get paid to eat pizza, but I'll eat any pizza, any time.  Truly.  And I'll enjoy it as well.  Pizza snob I am not, although some of you may think otherwise.  But let me be clear here for a sec.  Just because I have an opinion doesn't mean I am snobbish, or only expect to eat the best.  Or that your pie has to reach some lofty height for it to be worthy of my mouth.  Oh contrare monfrare (that's French, or close enough).  I am very opinionated, yes, I own that.  But, generally, my opinions are constructive and accurate, and I will explain exactly why they are like they are, and I can and have certainly changed my mind from time to time as well.  I am open, accepting, and honest.  A shitty pie one day doesn't mean that that same shit pie will be bad tomorrow, but it might.

Now back to pizza.  I fucken LOVE it!  And really, any pie any time.  Thick, thin, lots of toppings, none, sauce, no-sauce, cheese, vegan, raw, gluten-free.  Bring that shit on!  Now, if I am paying then I will be a bit choosier.  But rolling through someones kitchen and there's a Papa John's, that shit will be hit!

Soooo, as the story goes, once upon a time......

A few weeks back Hannah and I were hungry, Friday night (standard), and we were rolling through the list of places and things to eat when low and behold, someone threw out the idea of ordering a pizza.  Yes, yes we shall!  I don't want to leave the house and neither do you, let's have them bring us one!  But from where?  Who?  What?????  No, we can't, that sounds terrible.  But, when was the last time?  Maybe it doesn't suck?  But it's cheap, easy.  Fuck it, let's do it. 

DOMINOE'S bitches!

I know, terrible.  Just shut up and read.  Don't judge, damn!

OK, like I said, it had been a while, and I've seen the commercials, they've changed a lot, blah blah blah.  Hannah had the great idea to order a pretty bad combo, and we laughed for a while about it, then pulled the trigger.  Pepperoni and pineapple.  Yeeeeah boyeeeeee!!!!!!  And just for good measure bring some of them cheesy bread stuffs too!

First the pizza.  OK, I feel a little shitty even calling it pizza.  More like open faced cheesy-saucy-bread-sandwich, or something.  Evaluating on the basis of food, this did taste good.  Much too much bread, and the sauce was not good, but I did like that there was cornmeal on the bottom.  I liked that.  The rest, especially the combination (yes, all our choice) was not good.  Filling, not satisfying.  
I felt kinda dirty after.

The cheesy bread shit, however, was YUMMY!!!!  Exactly how it sounds, cheesy and bready.


So, yeah, in the pizza category, terrible.  Nourishment, entertaining, glad we did it, hell yes.  

Didn't need to leave the house, hell yes!

Did we both go running for the shitter about an hour after eating, HELL YES!


1 comment:

  1. Just received a cheque for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys at home...

    So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for taking paid surveys.

