OK, Here we go..... I think it only fair to start with this photo as this trip to Tokyo, and the inspiration of these two guys with me in the photo, really kicked off my interest in exploring food, photographing said eats, and sharing/explaining my impressions of my experiences. So, to you David Chang and Anthony Bourdain, Cheers, and thanks. As I begin I think it only fair to explain a bit of what my purpose with this blog is. As you know, I do not participate in Facebook, and I wont go into why here, but I NEEDED a vehicle to communicate and connect with those in my life, both near and far. As the name implies, this will primarily be a blog about pizza. However, as this is mine, I will feel free to do and say as I damn well please, as it pleases me. So I hope to not offend or tiptoe too far over the line of appropriateness, but if I do, that's just too fucken bad. Enjoy. Pizza, food, life experiences, thoughts, feelings, rants, and more food. This is what you will find here. Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone you think might have an interest, as I hope you will as well. Sincerely yours, DVA

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Boston Pizza Festival 2024


Heck Yeah!  Talk about good timing!  We move to New England and within the first few months it's Pizza Festival in Boston?!?!?!? Wicked awesome!

Rolling with the Fam,.  My expectations are super low, but Im not sure why.  I guess it's because I've never been to a Pizza Festival, so I'm thinking it's not too popular and the pizza will be sheit.  Super tiny slices, sitting in the sun all day, limp bizkits.  I guess we should check it out, join me....

All of the Pizzaiolo's are cooking on Fiero ovens, some are gas, some are wood.  About 20 restaurants are represented here.

First up, Premiere on Broadway

I gotta say, WOW.  It doesn't look like in from the photo but this crust is crispy and flaky and fluffy and just awesome.  Don't fault me for the toppings, it's what was available, BBQ chicken.

I also gotta say that I got this all wrong.  Super fresh pies, not sitting at all because there are SO MANY people here.  Stupid long lines, but fresh pies, and legit sized slices.

YESSSSS!   This is f'ing awesome

Dacoopa's is next, only because there is no line....

Decent NY style slice.  Crunchy, cheesy, better to have this than to wait for 45 mins I think.

And now, the fricken hit of the day.

Allow me to present to you, I Love Frankie's

Yeah, this dude is like out of a "History Of Pizza" book or something.

And, he has the longest line at the party, at least 60-70 people waiting, and growing.




I Love Frankie's is located in Worcester (about 1:45 from the Cape), and we're already planning a trip.

He also makes Grandma pies

Like, wow, just wow.  You can even see the vendor next to him standing and watching (their spot you could walk right up and get a slice...this guy is out of control).

The style of pizza might not be for everyone (I'm talking to you Luigi), but it's one of my favorites.  Similar to New Haven, like a rustic NY pie.  Crunchy and cheesy and saucy, but a good balance.


Can't wait to sit and relax and enjoy this one again.  Great Job Frankie.

A well deserved beer after the 6 slices I had.

Keep your eye out for a Frankie's post coming in mid-July.

Festivals, who knew?!?

Get out there and eat someone's pie.


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