OK, Here we go..... I think it only fair to start with this photo as this trip to Tokyo, and the inspiration of these two guys with me in the photo, really kicked off my interest in exploring food, photographing said eats, and sharing/explaining my impressions of my experiences. So, to you David Chang and Anthony Bourdain, Cheers, and thanks. As I begin I think it only fair to explain a bit of what my purpose with this blog is. As you know, I do not participate in Facebook, and I wont go into why here, but I NEEDED a vehicle to communicate and connect with those in my life, both near and far. As the name implies, this will primarily be a blog about pizza. However, as this is mine, I will feel free to do and say as I damn well please, as it pleases me. So I hope to not offend or tiptoe too far over the line of appropriateness, but if I do, that's just too fucken bad. Enjoy. Pizza, food, life experiences, thoughts, feelings, rants, and more food. This is what you will find here. Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone you think might have an interest, as I hope you will as well. Sincerely yours, DVA

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dudes With Purses

There is a very not awesome trend a-brew and I hope that it not only stops soon, but dies a quick death.

Dudes with purses

Now, I get that it might be more convenient to have lots of stuff in-tow whilst out on the town, handy to have extra of your schizzle in your nizzle, stuff in ur sack, bits with your pieces.  But really?  A purse?  For a dude?

I'm not talking about a satchel or fanny pack or messenger bag or briefcase.  These items, while a few are not awesome, at least have some masculine charm.   I'm talking purses.  Louse Vuitton, Gucci, and the like.  Purses.  Carried either over the forearm or at the shoulder, even simply in the hand.

Now, I am not spouting any anti-of-any-sex rhetoric, at all.  This is not a diatribe against any one sex or any ones ability to be who they truly are.  Please, carry on with all of that.  While I might not be into it all, I respect that you should be able to choose to do WHATEVER you want as long as no one else is injured by it.

With that said, having a voice, and an opinion, and the fact that you don't have to read this if you don't want to, I feel like I can voice my opinion in this forum.  And I don't like this.

The setting is Tokyo's version of Times Square, Shibuya Crossing.  All of these photos, and there were about 50 more than what you see in this post, were taken over a span of about 20 minutes, not very long.  And from one location.  

Let's ease into this shall we?

This one is admittedly borderline.  Let's call it our amuse bouche.

And yes, all of the principals in this expose are men.  All of them.

Terribly burry photo, and another borderline purse

Two dudes, two purses.  The closer shot shows the Gucci-ness of it

Might be a brief case?  Keep scrolling down

 Looks like an Ikea shopping bag, but a bit too high on the shoulder for me

 Yep, a purse

We'll come back to these guys in a sec


Almost capris, almost

LV half satchel crossing the body, no

The increasingly popular double purse

A great example.  

You have to admit, it doesn't look right


A double and capris, REALLY high capris


No words for this one

Fanny pack break.  And it's a BIG ONE!

Yeah, spend some time on this photo

Look at the woman in the background to the left...  Other then the side burns, they kinda match!

Going to work.  I think he might be a cobbler.


With a purse



An endless stream of them

 I think I have more of a problem with all of the white on white on white than the purse with this one

Homeless with a purse


He was walking around talking to himself.  But he's got his purse.

Another capri purse combo

He looks mad.  I don't blame him, I'd be too

This one pretty much sums it all up

Or maybe he does

Yep, just below is a dude


 Nice belt

A much needed fanny pack break


A nice couple out with their purses

 This guy is great.  Watch as he turns.  A full on business guy.  Legit.  And a purse.

I think we'll end here with Harry Potter.

I hope you've taken my little analysis here as it was intended, as a lighthearted look at something different.  It was meant to read a little tongue-in-cheek.  It's also not super awesome and I hope it stays far away and dies quietly.  
I for one won't be dawning my purse to head out with the guys.  Right Dennis?


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