Sometimes awesome stuff goes down when you're hanging out with your buddy, drinking whiskey, playing pool, general merriment transpiring. And then, sometimes not so much. Heading into it, this one can go either way....
Fast food chains and their F'ing commercials and the crazy wild concoctions that they come up with that LOOK SOOOOO GOOD, making you want to run right out and get some. But, you just know it can't be good for you, right? I mean, healthilywise, right? It shouldn't be, right? Sometimes though, you just gotta say fuck it, let's live a little! Eat what you want, do what you want, be a baller!
What I want is an 8 sided pepperoni pizza wrapped in bacon. Yes I do. And I want it cheap. $12 you say? Yeah, that will go nicely on top of 4 Manhattans I've already had.
City Heights is the scene of the crime. An awesome local bar "The Black Cat" is the destination.
Somehow Big D has channeled some inner Color Of Money and we are tied at 2 games a piece. It's killer that he's brought a little game this time, normally he is fed his own ass for a few hours until he can eat no more.
Drinks and Pool and the hapless Padres have just lost yet another home opener, what else is new?
Starving did I say? Yeah, we're super hungry tonight so we head to the taco truck parked behind some mexi market across the street. D has a torta (wasn't awesome) and I had a chicken quesadilla and two adobado tacos (both were ok). And yes/no, we are still hungry/no there are no photos of that as this is about -what-came-next-
Any pie any time? How bout an awe inspiring pie right now!
This is the object of our desire.
Looks cheesy and yummy and terribly evil. But we're in need of more grub so hell to the yes!
It's a two block walk and a 10 minute wait. We are getting a freshy.
Non-freshies, like this $5 classic, are available on the go, just stop in and grab one.
Pulled directly from the Hot-N-Ready box.
Ours is made to order
In to the oven it goes. In one side....
And 10 minutes later....
Out the other.
Back to the bar we go, ready to devour this miasma of devilish goodness.
The flavor and taste and feel in my mouth is really fantastic. Deliciously cheesy and saucy with crisp bacon around, spicy pepperoni atop. The dough is light and fluffy. It's thick but not dense. Like a pillow, a pizza pillow.
And then wow, my hands are covered in grease. My beard is glistening with the stuff as well. It's everywhere, I feel it coursing through my veins. It's gross and delicious at the same time. as the minutes and hours pass I feel worse and worse. At 4:00 am my body is enthusiastically rejecting this thing in the worst way. Cramping, clenching, pain and ache. Es is no bueno por nada.
Im glad I tried this thing cause the commercials won't give me a minute's rest. But now that I've done it I wish I hadn't.
Be good to your body, you deserve better than this. Anything is better than this.
Sometimes any-pie-any-time bites you in the ass. Literally.
Ouch! I will learn by example for this one.