OK, Here we go..... I think it only fair to start with this photo as this trip to Tokyo, and the inspiration of these two guys with me in the photo, really kicked off my interest in exploring food, photographing said eats, and sharing/explaining my impressions of my experiences. So, to you David Chang and Anthony Bourdain, Cheers, and thanks. As I begin I think it only fair to explain a bit of what my purpose with this blog is. As you know, I do not participate in Facebook, and I wont go into why here, but I NEEDED a vehicle to communicate and connect with those in my life, both near and far. As the name implies, this will primarily be a blog about pizza. However, as this is mine, I will feel free to do and say as I damn well please, as it pleases me. So I hope to not offend or tiptoe too far over the line of appropriateness, but if I do, that's just too fucken bad. Enjoy. Pizza, food, life experiences, thoughts, feelings, rants, and more food. This is what you will find here. Please feel free to share and pass along to anyone you think might have an interest, as I hope you will as well. Sincerely yours, DVA

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Tin Can - Doods Foods, Burgers and Booze, San Diego, USA


Big D has been bugging me about this place for forever, so finally we're here, mainly to just shut him the hell up!

From the name you might surmise that the beers here are all served in cans, and you'd be correct, no drafts.  Which is just fine because lot's of local micro-breweries these days are canning, so you can get some pretty great beers via The Tin.  They also have a full bar so I can continue to fuel my ever increasing interest in all things whiskey.

Let's head in!

It also happens to be open mic night, which, prior to hearing anyone play or perform, looks quite douchy/terrible/lame.

The stage looks great though.

Do you think Dennis likes this?  Well, it's not gonna be punk rock, so I think that's a big no.  But, we're here for the burgers and booze any way, so sing on bitches, sing on.

One of the specials of the night is a beer and a shot of whiskey for $6

Hell yes I'm in!

The beer is good and so is the whiskey, I'm slowly sipping both as there was a bit of a drive to get here.  A very easy drive I might also add.  This place is located in lower Banker's Hill, almost to downtown.  I'm sure there's a new trendy hip name for this area like "Airplane Approach"  "Hill Down"  or "Upper Town"  but I don't know or care.  What I do care about is that it's right off and on the freeway, so getting here is a pretty easy deal.

Looking cool so far.  Minimal on the pretension.  It has the feel of a dive that serves straight up good grill type food, and some entertainment, which I think is what they are shooting for.

So far so good Dood.

A massive pile of bacon, nice

D's burger

Nice buns....  thanks  ;-)

Probably the coolest range hood in town

 And on to our order.

I'm having the Dood Original, a standard burger and fries as the name implies.

D is having the Flying Cheeseburger.  Double meat, double cheese, double bacon.


It was really super tremendously delicious.  The bun was a little tall, and the burger is not large by any means, but with a little smash you can get it in your mouth.  Great meaty taste and good balance of flavor with the tomato and lettuce, etc...  Nice crispy crust on the burger too, but not dry by any means, as you can see.   

The fries, at first glance, do not appear to be awesome.  However, they are absolutely fresh cut, and then fried, and then a light seasoning is applied to them as well.  Slightly crispy on the outside and piping hot on the inside.  Just the way I like.  If you like super crispy I'm sure you could order them that way, the Dood is right there in the window, just ask him.

The Flying Cheeseburger

Uhmmmmm, yeah, tell me I'm not getting this one the next time

Super great meal and drinks.  I love this place!

The free music was mehhhh.  Lot's of questionable hipsterish clientele were arriving as we were bailing out to get away from the noise.  Maybe we weren't drunk enough to think that the music was good, or maybe it just wasn't.  But when I overheard the woman next to me say "So, the dodgeball tournament is coming up again"  we had to get the fuck out.


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